World Bible School



World Bible School’s mission: To share the Good News of Jesus with the world using everyday Christians and interactive Bible studies.

WBS is one of the Christian Brotherhood’s most proven, cost-effective means of spreading the Gospel to a lost world! God uses WBS by linking a worldwide network of Christians, missionaries, and churches to teach and reach truth-seekers, bringing them into God’s family. Every day Christians of all ages, equipped with WBS’ Bible lessons, help teach those who want to study. They teach with printed lessons using postal mail like spiritual pen-pals. They teach with email and Web-based lessons as online friends. They provide the lessons to the students, encourage them, guide them to respond to the Gospel, and help put them in touch with loving Christians near them.

If you are interested in learning more about the Bible and New Testament Christianity, please contact us. We would love to study with you.


















  1. Go to:
  2. Click on the red tab called BECOME A STUDY HELPER.
  3. This will take you to the STUDY HELPER APPLICATION page.
  4. Read this section carefully answering all questions and in-putting your information.
  5. Under the "WHAT LANGUAGES DO YOU PREFER?" section, check English, Spanish, or both if you are bilingual.
  6. After you complete this section click on the red tab NEXT.
  7. You will receive an email confirming your enrollment as a STUDY HELPER within a few days.



  1. After receiving your email that you have been accepted as a WBS STUDY HELPER go to: World Bible
  2. REGISTER or Go to the red LOGIN tab and sign on with your ID name and PASSWORD you set up.
  3. This will take you to THE HUB page
  4. For help with selecting students and other questions, please go to the HELP tab at the upper right of the page and look over the list of helpful sub-topics on the left side of the page.
  5. To select students that you want to study with on the STUDENTS AVAILABLE TO ALL TEACHERS page, either select WEB or EMAIL and select your students by checking the “Adopt the website student” box. This student will then be brought over to the You’re MY STUDENTS tab at the top.
  6. Please look at the top tab COURSE PREVIEW for course names.
  7. If you have any questions contact us at (916) 783-3640