How to Study the Bible





1) Start with reading your Bible every day. Be sure to set aside time every day with limited distractions. If you make it the same time every day and make it a routine then it will become a good habit that you'll be more likely to keep up with.

2) Start with praying before you read by first thanking God for His word, and then asking that you gain knowledge, wisdom, and understanding Proverbs 4:7

3) Be sure to read with the intent of understanding what you are reading. It may be helpful to read out loud so you can also hear what is being read. If you read something that you don't understand, write it down so you can look it up and study it later. Use a good dictionary to look up words you don't know. Write down questions about the text that come up while you're reading and then study to answer those questions. Add your questions to your notes on that passage. When you re-read the passage later you will remember your study and have a better understanding of what you've read.

4) Always read the Bible in its context. This may be one of the most important parts of reading with understanding. To have a good understanding of what you have read, you must know (as much as possible), who is writing, who they are writing to, when it was written, and the purpose for the writing, then  APPLY APPLICATION!