What to Expect

We follow the pattern of the first-century church in the New Testament. Our services each Sunday consist of SINGING, PRAYING, PREACHING, GIVING, and partaking in COMMUNION.

You will observe one of the brethren leading the congregation in the beautiful praise from the heart of acapella congregational singing. Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16.

You will observe the congregation on the first day of every week (Sunday), partaking in the Lord's Supper commonly referred to as communion to commemorate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus' sacrifice for us.

You will observe one of the brethren leading the congregation reverently in prayer 1 Timothy 2:1-5

You will observe selected brethren of the congregation take up a collection for the operating functions of the church, furthering the teaching of the gospel in the community, and supporting missions, and ministries. 1 Corinthians 16:1-3  (We do not ask non-members to financially support our work, but you are free to give if you desire in your heart to do so).

You will hear preaching from the word of God with a message of salvation, encouragement, or instruction on how to grow in your faith.



When you visit with us, you may find those who will be dressed from their Sunday’s finest clothing to jeans and sneakers because, God looks at the heart of those yearning to know more about Him and His son Jesus Christ, not the attire one is wearing. You are always welcome to dress modestly and comfortably when you attend any of our services.